Distinction Hotels

NZ Wide Hotels & Conference Centres


Burt Munro Challenge

Following the success of the 2005 movie about Burt Munro’s inspirational life - “The World’s Fastest Indian”, the Southland Motorcycle Club created the Burt Munro Challenge to honour Burt, his ingenuity, determination, and love of speed and motorcycles.

The inaugural event was first held in 2006, and has since forged a name for itself as one of New Zealand’s major motorsport events.

Starting with the Bluff Hill Climb, tensions are high. The smell of the exhaust, the scream of the engines, the heat of the machines as they rush past. Spectators cheer riders on as they wrench and weave their way to the summit. Most make it.

Later on that day, marvel at the sight of twilight drag racers streaking down the Teretonga Park straight at speeds in excess of 250kph.

Stepping on to Oreti Beach’s long emptiness, where Burt once opened the throttle, is a raw and awe inspiring experience. There’s something otherwordly watching dirt bikes tear up and down the mile-long circuit from your sand-dune grandstand possie, as oystercatchers split open tuatua shells on the low-tide mark. Unique? You betcha.

Teretonga Park has hosted Superbike, V8 and Formula 1 legends, and now it’s your turn in the Sprint Races. There’s few experiences that come near the G-Force thrill of a lap or two of the world’s southernmost FIA-approved motor racing circuit.

Those participating in the traditional Saturday night Speedway Spectacular might argue that point as their brakeless bikes slide around in the dirt – delighting the huge crowds surrounding the circuit.

On the final day, crowds return to the final day of racing at Teretonga , which showcase all manner of bikes from highly-tuned, modern racing machines to lovingly-restored vintage gems.

And for some, its the Rally which is the highlight of their trip south. With live music Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, the Burt Munro Challenge is as much about people as it is about bikes!

You’ll never feel closer to a legend. The Burt Munro Challenge is calling you.

The next Burt Munro Challenge will take place from  6 -9 February 2025.

For more information please visit www.burtmunrochallenge.co.nz

Burt Munro Challenge
Distinction Invercargill Hotel - Coming SoonBurt Munro Challenge
Distinction Invercargill Hotel - Coming SoonBurt Munro Challenge
Distinction Invercargill Hotel - Coming Soon